Enrichment and Tutorial Programs 
Our Enrichment Program offers a wide range of activities to make College life as interesting and fulfilling as possible.
Academic, spiritual, social, cultural and sporting activities enable students to engage in a variety of experiences that develop their full potential by:
  • Fostering talents and interests in readiness for the world of work and leisure
  • Encouraging initiative and self-motivation
  • Balancing the academic program by catering for a whole range of student interest
  • Offering Tutorials and study support
Enrichment offers such activities as Astronomy, Yoga, Bushwalking, Amnesty, Scuba Diving, Youth Parliament, Pilot for a Day, Sailing, Latin, Skiing/Snowboarding, Philosophy, RSA, First Aid, Chess, self Defence, Basic Barista course, many sports, a range of adventure pursuits and about thirty other choices.​